This will be a difficult post since I will pretty much share just about anything about myself if you ask and write about most of it but here goes:
1. My husband and I went to rival High Schools. We still argue about it to this day. 25 years later. I’m a flatlander and proud of it! (Burbank people will get this). We didn’t know each other at the time but it doesn’t matter. My high school was better. He’s just jealous.
2. I’m allergic to peanuts. Like deathly allergic. Almost died when I was 27 from breathing in the steam while washing a knife covered in peanut butter. Could I be more of a nerd if I tried? Probably not. I’m asthmatic with an inhaler as well. I was born to be nerdy.
3. I lived in a hotel for six months. It’s not as much fun as it sounds. Trust me on this.
4. My mother’s maiden name was Dillon. No, I did not marry my cousin. I checked.
5. I chose both my kids names from characters in books. My daughter’s from a Romance novel. Not exactly a huge surprise I suppose.
6. I’m the only nerd in my family. No one else likes, Harry Potter, Sherlock, Superheroes, Musical Theater, Star Wars, Star Trek, living history, museums or anything even remotely nerdy. I’m surrounded by people that are way too cool. My kids and husband look at me like I’m an alien when I talk about any of these subjects. Sigh.
7. I’m short. Everyone in my family is taller than me. I also sit really close to the steering wheel when I drive. My kids like to send me pictures of T-Rex’s.
8. I’ve been very blessed to never have had to work outside of my home since I had my kids. I was also never bored a day in all that time. However I did go to pretty long lengths to entertain myself. As shown by this post and this one as well. Don’t judge me.
9. Zombies freak me out. I can’t watch anything where people eat people. It’s just gross. I know if I could get beyond it I would probably love shows like the Walking Dead but I’ve tried. Ewww just ewww!
10. I love cars. I love everything about them. New, old, fast, classic. I grew up watching street race cars being built. I actually know quite a bit about how engines work based entirely on osmosis. I heard it so much you can’t help but pick stuff up. Of course I love to drive as well but I’ve written about that here already. =)
There you go! 10 things! Whew! To see what kind of nerdy stuff I love and obsess over follow me on Pinterest!
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