I was thinking the other day how much I wish my family had established a tradition for the 4th of July holiday. I love the idea of doing the same thing every year on this day. We have at different times done the same thing for a few years in a row but inevitably something changed and we would move on to something else. We’ve been camping, rented a condo in the Sierras, went to the lake and for quite a few years went to the parade in our town since it happened right at the end of our block. The floats and people were lined up on our street so it was pretty unavoidable. Especially when your friends are knocking on your door at 7am asking to use the bathroom.
My kids rode on our church VBS float a couple of times, happily spraying the onlookers with water guns. My daughter marched with her cheer team, my son with his football team. The parade was very small town but being close to Edwards Air Force Base every year the Stealth did a fly by. That was always the highlight.
We’ve since moved and although the kids are home this weekend they have their own plans. Parties, the beach with friends and so on. I’m happy they are enjoying their adult lives now but maybe it’s time Kevin and I started finding our own traditions for this holiday.
So far on my list? Clean my office, hit my word count, go to a movie, bbq and a swim. I will contemplate new traditions for next year as I float.
What are your 4th of July traditions? Let me know in the comments!
Janie Emaus says
I wish I could just float the day away! How nice.
Elena Dillon says
It’s pretty hot here so I think it will be a good choice! Enjoy your day!
Lana says
Well, we’re afraid to leave our house on the 4th, but we usually have lots of family and friends over for a BBQ. Our house is high on a hill, so from our deck we can see miles of fireworks going off – for hours – it’s quite a show. Have a great weekend!
Lana recently posted..Happy Independence Day
Elena Dillon says
We really don’t have good fireworks near here because of the fire danger so enjoy some for me!
Diane says
We usually take in the parade, which passes right by our back gate. Like you, unavoidable. The rest of the day has always been reserved for FAMILY. This year, most of the kids found other things to do. And left us with their kids. Oh, well. We had fun splashing in the pool and BBQing.
Diane recently posted..Licking the Bowl
Elena Dillon says
Sounds very nice! We ended up seeing Jersey Boys. It was really good. I enjoyed it. The rest of the evening was pretty uneventful but lovely all the same.