I know my posts here on my blog have not been terribly interesting. I just wanted to let you all know I will be back to my regular posting schedule after the blog tour ends on Jan. 25th. There are a lot of things vying for my time at this point. I am officially starting my third book today, the second book is with the editor and the blog tour for Breathe is taking a lot of time too!
So here are some blog tour stops that have interviews and giveaways for you to check out. They are also really cool sites so take a look around and leave a comment!
Writing from Corsets to Bustiers has a Guest Post I wrote about Sports and Romance and how the two mix. I would love if you would read and comment here!
Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf has an Interview that asks some different questions and a Giveaway of an ecopy of Breathe if you are looking to win one check that out here!
C. M. Barrett says
Beautiful looking site. I found it as part of the WLC Blog Follow program on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!
Gallo Romano Media says
Popped over from the WLC Blog Follow program on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect! Great to see your postings!
Meg says
Popped over from the WLC Blog Follow program on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect! Love that photo! great perspective.
Meg recently posted..SunSpot with Meg Mims — Featuring Nell Dixon