So I’ve had this word on my Book 3 title list for a while because it’s a pretty word and I use it a couple of times in the story. When I was going through my whole list of words and looking them up in the dictionary, trying to decide, one definition jumped out at me:
a wavering, sometimes distorted visual image.
The main character, Chandler, has been pretending to be someone else, actually many someone elses for the last four years. And giving off a distorted view of herself. I like it. And I think it’ll make a pretty cover. So here you go,
P.S. Kind of relieved I don’t have to call it “Book 3” anymore. Whew.
Carol Cassara says
I like it.
Carol Cassara recently posted..More helpful travel tips
Elena Dillon says
Thanks. Took a while but at least I’ve decided now.
Lana says
I have a hard time naming blog posts, so I can’t even imagine naming a book. Congratulations on your series!
Lana recently posted..Say Yes to White Jeans
Grown and Flown says
What a beautiful word, “shimmer.” lovely
Grown and Flown recently posted..The Great Graduation Gift List
Diane says
Oooh! Evocative! Brings so many things to mind! Congratulations!
Diane recently posted..In Your Face Hockey
Elena Dillon says
I’m happy to send it to you when it’s formatted if you have an ereader?