We have a problem in my household. Depression has set in. You would think it would be me considering both kids moved out within five days of each other, I had shoulder surgery, am struggling to write and my husband was gone for nine days to London but I’m actually fine. It’s Brutus, our English Bulldog.
I’ve written about him here before and his emotional difficulties but this is beyond. He has taken high maintenance to a new level. He’s hiding under the bed, not eating and his gastric situation has reached ridiculous new heights.
The only think that cheers him up is when my friend who is staying with us for a short bit comes home from work. Then he puts on his happy face and cute act for a few minutes but after she goes to her room, back to the sulk. He patrols my son’s room looking for him and when my daughter comes home he purposely ignores her. He’s made it clear. Not happy.
The thing that bothers me about all this? He could not care less that I’m still here. I’ve been parked on my couch for a couple of weeks recovering so you’d think he’d be like a normal dog and hang out with the injured person in the house. Uh, no. He pretty much gives me dirty looks and goes back to his spot on his chair or under the bed. If it were my husband or one of the kids he would be parked right next to them. Apparently I’m just “the help”.
I feed him, take care of him, let him out, fill his water dish, share my snacks and in general worry about him the most. And he pretty much ignores me. Really? Obviously I’m doing something wrong here.
This got me thinking. Does he think that I’ve sent them away? Is that why he ignores me? He caught me with my husband’s suitcase the other day and I immediately felt guilty.
I need to rethink my strategy. I must be coming across as desperate. Maybe I need to play a little hard to get. Or maybe I just need to get out of the house more…
Do not pick on him. He has a lot of burdens weighing him down.
The poor thing! I don’t know how he doesn’t buckle under the pressure!
Maybe Brutus needs a girl friend. Have you introduced him to any furry females?
He’s very bossy but he does like girls an awful lot. It only distracts him briefly, however. =)