Why do you suppose we love books as much as we do? For me it’s the characters. I fall in love with them and their families and their friends. I wonder what will happen to them and sometimes I can’t wait until the end where I find out how it all turns out.
I also hate the end. I hate the end of the relationship. I hate knowing I will never have that experience of reading the book and meeting the characters for the first time. I want to still be a part of what is going on. Live in their world. So in some ways I dread the end, as well as can’t wait for it.
For a favorite I do go back and visit. I know there are people out there who never reread a book. I don’t understand this at all. There are lots of books I would never reread but my favorites I will read over and over. It’s like visiting old friends. As a matter of fact sometimes when I am writing it is the only reading I can do. I can’t read new stuff or I get sucked in and can’t focus on my story and characters. The whole thing gets jumbled up.
I wasn’t sure how I was going to like having a blog but now that I get to post stories involving my characters, I like it. This is the wonder of writing. Getting to know each character, who they are, hearing their back story as they feel like telling it. The blog is a big help with that. I have learned a few things about my characters that I didn’t know when I was writing the book. Sneaky little devils…
If you would like to read an excerpt of Chapter One of my upcoming book “Breathe” sign up for my newletter in the box on the right!
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