I guess I can relax a little now. I was on pins and needles before Crushing came out. I was worried readers wouldn’t like it as much as Breathe but Crushing has gotten some great 5 star reviews. Here are some quotes:
“The mystery and twist and turns keeps you aching to turn the page just to see what was going to happen next.”
“Elena pens “Crushing” in a well written plot of a murder mystery with plenty of twists, turns and testosterone…and some humor thrown in also Her characters were developed nicely and believable, especially when it came to the teenage angst. A totally enjoyed this book and highly recommended it to everyone.”
“Elena Dillon keeps you guessing the outcome all the way to the end of this captivating murder mystery.”
“Perfect blend of teenage crushes and lurking danger”
I hope this doesn’t sound like horrible bragging I’m just so relieved that it’s not universally hated. It’s different than Breathe, intentionally, and I worried that readers wouldn’t take that too well. You can check out some of the reviews here on Crushing’s GoodReads page if you’d like.
Needless to say I’m excited about the reviews so far. Crushing is on blog tour and I have written a Guest Post for one of the lovely blogs hosting me. I wrote about how I plot my books. So go check that out here. Also if you would like to check out what’s been happening on the blog tour the page is here. Crushing is making tons of stops so there is a lot to see.
I am deep into writing book three which will be in the Breathe Universe. We have moved forward in time about four years. It’s an interesting thing to age children you knew so well into teenagers. The best thing I can say about that is they are behaving just as you think teenagers would. Uh, huh. I think you get me. Sigh…
Happy Thursday,
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