I woke up this morning and it’s as if someone just hit fast forward for my life. I’ve been enjoying a time of peace and quiet. Writing and revising like crazy and getting stuff done. Then I looked at the calendar. Uh-oh. All good things though. Not one (except doing taxes) that I’m not looking forward to! So here are the updates:
Crushing is up for InD’tale Magazine’s RONE award in the Young Adult category. Breathe won last year and I’m so honored that Crushing is in the running this year. If you’d like to vote for any of the books you can do that here. Voting for the Young Adult category is open for just this week.
InD’Tale is a great resource for recommendations and reviews of indie and small press books. A fabulous way to choose your next read!! And on top of that the people of InD’tale are precious. I met them last year at the Romance Novel Convention and I love them. Can’t wait to see them at this year’s convention!
Next up I’m doing a book signing on Saturday, March 22 at the Universal Hilton in Universal City called Authors Under the Lights. It benefits “Hope for Hazel” a foundation for a beautiful toddler battling Neuroblastoma. If you want to read about her here is a link to Our little Hazelnut, the blog explaining what they are going through.
I’m really excited about this signing and helping with this charity. There will be a guest appearance by Dallon Weekes of “Panic! at the Disco”, cover models and a bunch of really wonderful authors. They have so much planned and the tickets are free! Here is a link. You will need a ticket to get in!!
I have lots more coming up in the coming months. I’m teaching a Social Media class in April and going to a few conventions so you’ll hear all about it soon. I’ll try to be better about taking pictures as well.
Also I have a new book coming out hopefull in April. The next book in the “Breathe” series. I’ll be sending an excerpt to all my newsletter subscribers very soon so if you’re interested sign up in the box on the right!
Jennifer Steck says
Thank goodness you had a bit of a lull before the incredible storm, Elena. I’m adding your books to my reading list right now so that when my lull comes, I’ll have time to enjoy it with some great reads. Have fun on your upcoming adventures.
Jennifer Steck recently posted..Sisters’ Trip Update – Submit Your Vote
Elena Dillon says
I think I got a little to used to the lull. Lol. Thanks for the comment. =)
Diane says
Definitely adding your books to my ‘must read’ list! Thank you! And good luck with all of your adventures. (Except taxes – may your time there be short . . .)
Diane recently posted..Honey For Sale
Elena Dillon says
Thanks! Yes taxes on Thursday! I hate getting it all together but I’ll be happy when it’s done. Then on with the fun stuff. =)