Happy New Year to you all! I know everyone says this but 2012 went by so fast I can’t believe it. So much has happened in the last year for me. When 2012 started, Breathe wasn’t finished, I had only shown it to one person, I hadn’t even thought about publishing and I certainly knew nothing about what it took to self publish a book. So, huge changes for me in 2012 and I guess it’s no wonder it felt like it went by in a blur.
I’m excited about the next year. I have a lot to do but I really can’t wait. Breathe is on blog tour right now. Check out today’s blog at Musings from An Addicted Reader. A great site and she gave me a lovely review! These sites that are hosting me have some great information if you are looking for something to read next. Spend some time on their sites and check it out.
So what’s next? I am planning on publishing my second book in March and I am starting work on my third this month! Whew! I’ve got a lot to do!
I hope your New Year’s Eve was fabulous and wishing you a wonderful and prosperous 2013!!
If you are interested in reading Breathe you can read a free sample on Amazon or Barnes and Noble!
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