Moving across the country was— what’s the right word? Intense. This experience was something that, when I think about that time, I will always think about it as one of the big faith-building moments in my life.
I will explain.
Our son moved here to Tennessee in April. We put the house on the market and waited. The housing market was just starting to heat back up, and we had a lot of Lookie-Loos, but it took a few months to sell. By August, we had been in and out of escrow and were finally on the right track.
We went through everything we had accumulated for the last twenty-seven years, decluttered, garage-saled, and finally put what was left in Pods. Everything we owned besides what we were leaving for the next owner was in them. We had one picked up, and we also shipped my husband’s truck and two motorcycles. We were about to hit the road when we got a call from our realtor. The house was in danger of falling out of escrow. Again.
Cue husband’s meltdown. We had sent our stuff to storage in Tennessee, and we possibly hadn’t sold the house. The plan was falling apart, and Kevin was not happy. My hysterical laughter did not help stop the meltdown, either.
In fact, my on-the-edge husband gave me a very intense glare and said, “What’s the matter with you, Elena? This isn’t funny.”
I took a breath and tried to contain my laughter.
Have you ever had one of those moments in life that, while upsetting, you just know will be a huge life lesson? Life-altering moments that will change everything?
This was one of those moments. I had a few of them during this time, but this particular waterfall of events was the big one.
I knew God was doing something significant in our lives. I KNEW it.
I sat next to Kevin on the couch someone else wanted and said, “The Lord wants us in Tennessee. Doors have been opening, and this is just a hiccup. It’s going to be fine. We have to have faith.”
Then, since all we could do was wait at this moment, we did what all adults of our generation do when stressed: We binge-watched a show on Netflix and, of course, prayed.
At this point, we realized our vehicles would be in Tennessee, and we wouldn’t be. Our son was flying back to California this same week to be the best man at his best friend’s wedding, so he wouldn’t be there to get them. What a mess.
What we see as a mess is actually sometimes the Lord’s grandest plans to bless you in a way you never even thought to ask for.
In my heart of hearts, I had been very sad because we were supposed to leave before that wedding. I wasn’t going to get to see my son be the best man. I really, really wanted to see that, but with everything going on, I had accepted that I would have to miss this big life event of his. It was the beginning of the sadness and homesickness when I realized moving meant there were events I would have to miss.
The next day, our realtor called and said the issue would likely be resolved, but they would have to extend the escrow another week and a half.
So the only resolution to this problem was for Kevin to fly to Tennessee and be there to get the vehicles and put them in storage. Kevin and our son met at the airport and exchanged keys. The timing of that was a God thing in itself!
During that week, our son came home with his new girlfriend (love her!); I got to help him write his speech, go to the wedding, see him make his speech, and say goodbye to many people I probably wouldn’t have seen before I left. This unexpected turn of events was a testament to God’s goodness. He blessed me in a way I hadn’t even thought to ask for.
Oh yeah, and while Kevin was gone, he found our house. By the time he touched down at LAX, our offer on our new house had been accepted. This house had been on the market less than twenty-four hours when he saw it, and we knew it was the one. He sent me a video, we put in an offer, and it was accepted even though they had gotten two other offers besides ours.
That is how I know God is faithful. It’s not the only example, of course. There are so many, but when things fall into place like puzzle pieces, the timing of something is orchestrated in such a way. I know the Lord wanted to bless Kevin and I even though I don’t deserve it.
He is good all the time, wants good for me all the time, and loves me all the time.
All of this, and we hadn’t even driven a mile away yet.
I’m saving that for next time…
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Love and hugs,
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