I have a thing about Monday mornings. I think maybe I’m weird. Not that anyone that reads my blog has any question about that but what I mean is, I love Mondays. I know, right? I can’t help myself. The possibilities on a Monday morning are endless. I love that.
I wasn’t always this way. I used to hate them. When I was in school and hadn’t done my homework or studied for a test because I stayed up late reading, they were the worst. Getting up and getting my kids out the door on a Monday. Not fun. Grouchiness prevailed here on Mondays and I didn’t look forward to that.
Now I wake up Monday morning and even though sometimes it’s stressful trying to get going after a busy weekend, I’m excited about the possibilities a new week brings. A fresh start. I always believe I can accomplish way more than I ever will but that is unimportant. Monday morning I’m sure this week will be the week I get so much done.
Of course by the time midweek hits, the majority of the blinding enthusiasm has dimmed to a glimmer of “I hope I can get something accomplished this week” kind of attitude. After all the obstacles life throws my way throughout the week and the reality of what I can realistically get done sets in I don’t feel quite so confident.
Somehow even though I go through the same disappointment every week of not accomplishing everything I set out to do, I still can’t wait for Monday morning to get here. I love my family and enjoy my weekends. I love the break, it refreshes me but while I’m off hanging out with my family and relaxing, the muse whispers for me to come back. She has ideas. I wonder about what’s next in my current work in progress.
Of course the reason I love Mondays is pretty clear. I love being a writer. I love that I get to do this full time and for the first time in my life I’m figuring out what it means to love your job. And to love Mondays.
I told you I’m weird.
So in honor of my fabulous mood I’m giving away a $10 giftcard to Amazon and a Audio copy of Breathe to one of my lucky newsletter subscribers. Sign up before Wednesday to have your chance!
Lana says
What a great post. Monday usually gets such a bad rap! I admit I’m one of the people who doesn’t love Monday – but I think going into it with a more positive attitude would help. Thanks for making me think. Have a great week!
Lana recently posted..To Zumba or Not to Zumba
Elena Dillon says
Thanks. I know I’m in the minority here and there were many times in my life I didn’t like them but right now, it works!
Carol Cassara says
I like them, too, and believe that dwelling in possibilities is the only place to dwell. 😉
Carol Cassara recently posted..Champagne with dinner? Yes.
Debra Kristi says
I love Mondays because my kids go back to school and I get a few free hours to write. Soon that will be gone and Mondays will blend into every other day of the week. I love your enthusiasm. Don’t let the second half of the week dim. Keep it rolling.
Debra Kristi recently posted..A YA Novel and a Research Trip
Elena Dillon says
Thanks! Hope your trip is going well! =)
Karen @BakingInATornado says
I have to admit that I’ve never been a Monday-lover, but you’ve got me reconsidering. You’re right that, really, it’s a chance to leave last week behind and start fresh.
Karen @BakingInATornado recently posted..Do As I Say
Diane says
I LOVE those words: A fresh start. So filled with possibilities and promise! Thank you for this. I, too, love my writer’s life!
Diane recently posted..The Birds and the Bees and the Cows and the Rabbits . . .
www.shakespeareteacher.com says
It’s surely one of lifes true pleasures, when it’s a “stay indoors” kind of day and you’ve got a great book open and you’re in world of dreams, challenge and adventure.