So this is going to sound totally braggy and I hate that but I had to share that Shimmer AND Exhale both got 5-star reviews at Reader’s Favorite! Pretty cool right? And for more than one reason. Of course, good reviews are lovely. Who wouldn’t like that?
So here’s the deal with reviews; the minute I publish a book I immediately regret it. The little voices in my head start whispering. And they aren’t terribly polite either. “That book sucks. Why did you think you should publish it?” Hmmm. Okay, I hear you. Let’s not dwell. The jury’s still out.
Then they start chatting a little louder “You know, no one is going to like it. You suck.” Well thanks, I love you too. Sigh.
Not too long after that, they’re shouting “Are you kidding me? Why, oh, why would you embarrass us by publishing that piece of trash! You’re crazy! Go take it down! Right now! You are going to be humiliated!” By this time I’m about to panic and wonder if I should listen. Could they be right? Maybe they have a point. Ugh.
Then the reviews come in. Love it or hate it, I’m good. Even if they hate it somehow I end up feeling okay. By this time I’m on to the next project and I’ve slapped the voices down.
So you can imagine getting these particular reviews was really nice. The voices stopped mid shout and slunk off to mumble amongst themselves. As they made their way back to their corner I thought I heard “There’s no accounting for taste.” but I ignored it. For now.
Want to check out the reviews? Here they are:
Shimmer (Breathe Series Book 2)
Exhale (Breathe Series Book 3)
Although YA is not my favorite reading, I really enjoyed Shimmer. This work is worth 5 stars.