I’ve felt for a long time that this journey I’m taking is meant to be. I know that sounds totally corny but so many things have just fallen into place in a way I’ve never experienced before. I know I’m blessed in my life, no question but have you ever had something just click into place and think “Wow, that wasn’t an accident”?
I’ve had a few of those lately. The most recent one was on my cab ride to the hotel for the convention. I’m not sure if you’ve ever been to the McCarron Airport in Las Vegas but when I went out to get a taxi, in the sweltering heat, it was very regimented. I went through a line that looked a lot like I was at Disneyland. A very uninterested gentleman gave me a number and I had to walk, pulling my overpacked suitcase all the way down to the number six taxi stand. I started a lot higher than that. The high twenties I think. I don’t know but it felt far in those conditions.
I was traveling alone so I was interested to see who my cab driver would be. As I got closer I saw a woman up ahead. I was hoping she was my driver but I couldn’t tell for sure. Sure enough it was. Hmmm. I said hello and she was so friendly. I felt guilty as she threw my very weighty suitcase into the back of the cab. I apologized for my ridiculous bag.
This is where it got interesting. Before I could say much she told me she’d been driving a cab for seven years and she was a writer so it gave her some great stories. What? I hadn’t told her I was a writer. I hadn’t told her that I was there for a Romance Writer’s Convention. Huh. We had this great conversation all the way to the hotel. I love meeting other authors but it’s rare outside of an event or writers group. How awsome was that? Meant to be!
She hadn’t heard about it so I invited her to the book signing. She came and brought her daughter. Her daughter is adorable and I was so excited to see them. We’ve now connected on Facebook and I’m looking forward to staying in touch. That’s us in the picture above. Don’t you just love it when you see the Lord work? I met a lot of really amazing people at this conference. It was a lot about connecting for me and of course I was obviously supposed to be there!
Happy Thursday,
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