Last weekend I was at the SoCalRWA California Dreamin’ Conference. The ladies on the committee did a great job putting it on. I got so much out of it. I went to workshops, met authors, agents and editors. I made new friends and learned so much. I purposely did not pitch so I didn’t have that stress which was nice.
I always find it helpful to be around other writers and people who speak my language. Writing is a solitary pursuit and I do find myself alone a lot now. Anyone who knows me well understands that this is not a normal state for me. I’m a social person. I’m Italian. Being around large groups of people is how I spent the first 45 years of my life. The last year has been a huge change for me and balance is still something I’m working on. I spent some quality time with new friends talking about writing and just bonding over the experience. Amazing!
When I told other writers I was going they asked what I think of RWA (Romance Writers of America). I have had an amazing experience all the way around. I sing their praises to all who will listen because honestly I’ve never been around a group of women (who weren’t my very closest friends) that were so supportive, accepting and helpful. I usually hesitate to go into a new group full of women. You never know what the reception will be. At all the RWA events I’ve been to the women have been lovely and so ready to answer questions and help each other out.
From Georgia RWA to Orange County RWA and all the SoCal ladies I met over the weekend I have been impressed. I know a lot of writers scoff at romance writing but honestly these are some of the hardest working, talented people I know. Romance sells and women are smart readers. They know what they like and my writer friends deliver.
I’m excited to be a part of this large group of people across the country (Yes, there are men in RWA. John Ward are you listening?) who support each other, cheer each other on and happily read each other’s stuff. These women go a long way to further each others career without even thinking about their own. That in itself amazes me.
For the readers out there, look up your local RWA. They host book signings after their conferences and events where you can meet your favorite authors and check out some new ones. It’s a great way to find some fabulous new authors and get some swag! A great way to plan a day with your girl friends who love to read.
For me, I’m going over my notes and applying what I’ve learned to the next book. And the one after that. Interested in seeing what I’m up to next? In the next few weeks I will be making the first chapter of my new book available and then the cover reveal! So sign up for my newsletter on the right and you will be first to get the updates!
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