Hey there! I know, I know. Where have I been? Well obviously not writing blog posts. =) What have I been doing? Writing. A lot of writing. And that’s good isn’t it? As you may have gathered from the pic I’ve launched a boxed set for the Breathe series. I love the cover. Creepy and […]
Gone Is Just The Beginning
I looked back on my blog and realized I haven’t really mentioned what I’ve been working on. Very soon I’m coming out with a brand new series that started with Gone. Gone tells some of Daisy’s story. Lots of readers have asked for more about her. When I wrote Breathe I never had any intention […]
What’s Up?
It has been exactly a month since I wrote my last post. I feel like such a slacker! I did move and it was the holidays but still. Pretty lame. My holidays were pretty fabulous even with the stress of the move three days before Christmas and having twenty five people over for dinner Christmas […]
Exhale Cover Reveal!
I’m so excited that the next book in the Breathe series is about to launch! I will be publishing it on October 30th! It will be available for preorder on Apple and Amazon shortly! Darling diva daughter did a fabulous job on the cover once again and I love it. So what could this […]
Cover Reveal Day!
Cover reveal day is here! I’ve been dying to show you all the new covers! Woohoo! My graphic designer rocks (also know as diva daughter) and has done a fabulous job with the redesign of Breathe and Shimmer’s cover. I’d love to hear what you think of them. Also if you sign up here for […]
Shimmer, Breathe Series Book 2
I’ve been pretty quiet here on my blog for a while now. I had to make a choice. Blog or write. Writing won. I’ve been writing a lot. I’m actually done with 4 manuscripts and in the middle of another. I feel accomplished but I realized I haven’t filled anyone in on what’s happening with […]
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