When I started Book Three, which I am launching soon, I decided to age the characters from Breathe four years. I wanted the story to be about Jasmine’s younger siblings, specifically her brother Caedan. Now I’m not totally certain why I thought this was a good idea but I plotted out the story, created a love interest for him and started writing. Now in this post here I explain how difficult Caedan has been as a character. The nice thing about that is this is what makes him interesting. Being difficult can also mean he can be difficult to write.
When I began the book the writing went along smoothly. I wrote the first couple of chapters and I was surprise how well it flowed. You see Caedan doesn’t show up until the third or fourth chapter. When I got to his first scene everything came to a screeching halt. Wait. What? Ugh.
Thankfully I went to a writing event the next weekend. I spoke to one of my writer friends about it. She said “Why don’t you ask him what’s wrong?” Huh. I never thought of that. So I did. Here is the written conversation that took place. It’s a bit like texting. I guess that makes sense. He is sixteen.
Me: So what’s the problem?
Caedan: You didn’t ask me.
Me: Well this was always the plan. She’s your match. I created her for you. Isn’t that enough?
C: What if I don’t like her?
Me: Well you’re not going to at first. She’ll grow on you.
C: What if I don’t want a girlfriend?
Me: What girls still have cooties?
C: Funny. Haha. No. I just don’t like having decisions made for me. Besides I have enough females in my life. : /
Me: Poor baby. Surrounded by all those women who love you and think you’re amazing and clever and smart. I feel for you. I do.
C: All right. Whatever. No more police cars.
Me: We’ll see.
C: And I can prank her?
Me: Maybe but you probably won’t like the outcome of that. She’s going to give you a run for your money.
C: Great.
Me: Will you talk to me tomorrow?
C: We’ll see.
Me: You drive me crazy!
C: =)
So that was it and he actually started talking. Apparently he just needed to be heard. If you want to get a sneak peek of my new book as soon as it’s available sign up for my newsletter on the right. I’ll be sending it out to my email list soon and my email peeps will be the first to get it!
I Love It Elena!!! You are have such a gift & it’s great to get a peak inside that creative brain of yours as you write. Like I said before… I would love to hear what goes on in there with all the voices of your characters vying for attention. <3
It doesn’t hurt that you’re fond of Caedan, as difficult as he is. Haha. Thanks it’s a little strange to let people in on the process. I always worry they’re going to think I’m nuts. =)