How will you be spending Thanksgiving this Thursday? Do you have traditions you will be upholding like every year or do you do something different every year? Do you travel a long distance or host yourself? Who makes the turkey? Do you even have turkey? These are all things I like to ask people about their Thanksgiving. I am fascinated with other people’s traditions.
Mine? Well I am thankful that it’s my Mother-In-Law’s holiday. She and my Father-In-Law love Thanksgiving and it is always at their house. My kids have years of memories spending time with their Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. We are a loud and opinionated group and there is never a dull moment. And of course there is the food. My mother-in-law does most of the cooking. I assist and clean up. My MIL and her sister taught me one year how to make turkey gravy and now I am the official gravy maker. I have taught my son and my nephew to assist and now they are awesome gravy makers too!
The only year we weren’t there was the year my daughter was born. She was actually born on Thanksgiving. She was sweet enough to wait until after the families were done with dinner and dessert to make her grand entrance. She is considerate that way. Her birthday doesn’t always fall on Thanksgiving of course but we always celebrate her birthday on Thanksgiving with the family. We always recount the story of the day she was born at some point during the day and everyone tells their side and I think she still gets a kick out of it even as an adult.
I do get up early and make my own turkey and all the fixings so my family can eat leftovers all weekend or it just wouldn’t be the same. We usually decorate the house for Christmas, as scary as that is. This year is special because it is the last one my son from the Cayman Islands will probably be able to be at for awhile. In the coming years he will be playing college basketball and won’t be able to come home so we will have to make the most of this one.
Blessings to you and yours this holiday weekend! I would love to hear about your traditions for the holiday so leave a comment below!
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