Thanks to Helen W. Mallon for tagging me in “The Next Big Thing” blog tag game! Check out her post and her book Casual Day at the Crazy House here. Also I will be passing it on so check out the author at the bottom for the Next Big Thing!
The idea is to answer a bunch of questions about your current book so here are some answers about Breathe:
What was the working title of your story? The working title was I. I know. It’s probably the most boring working title ever known. When I started writing it I had no idea I would finish it or consider publishing it so I never considered a title until it was almost done.
Where did the idea come from for the story? I wondered how people would be affected when a family member was murdered by a serial killer. When the cameras go away and just the family is left. Specifically how would a young girl whose older sister was the victim cope? Then of course when he comes after her what would she do to change the ending this time?
What genre does your story fall under? Breathe is a YA Romantic Suspense.
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? This is hard. I haven’t thought too much about it really but for Jasmine, Blake Lively. For Easton, hmmm I think Henry Cavill. (They are both a little old to play my characters but if we are going based on looks they are closest) For Rose, Gwenyth Paltrow (She’s old enough, I checked ), For Lily and Caedan I don’t really know too many child actors names these days but I am sure Disney Channel would have plenty that could do them justice!
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript? Two and a half years. I had no intention of doing anything with it and up until the end I wrote it exclusively for myself. I was still running around driving kids to sports and volunteering at school so I wrote probably one day out of every month.
What other stories would you compare this story to within your genre? I was told it was a bit like Emerald Barnes’ Read Me Dead? I haven’t read that one yet but it is definitely on my TBR list.
Who or What inspired you to write this book? I don’t remember any particular inspiration. I know that sometimes my muse will just pop up with “What if…”
What else about the book might pique the reader’s interest?
The romance between Easton and Jasmine. I love him and he is a pretty amazing.
The courage Jasmine has to do what she has to do to save herself and the people she loves.
The Southern charm of some of the characters.
Jasmine’s relationship with her pesky younger brother.
Check out this author for The Next Big Thing!
Missy Frye
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