I’ve realized I am the only theater nerd in my family. Last night I went to see Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat. I’ve never seen this particular show before. Of course I knew the bible story and I was really excited to get to see it. Here’s the thing. I had to horn in on my friends Mother/Daughter trip to the theater to do this. Now they are the sweetest people in the world and they said they didn’t mind but it got me thinking.
No one else in my family likes musical theater. My husband will take me if I beg to go see a particular show but it can’t be too girly and he really only likes Phantom and Fiddler on the Roof. My daughter hates musical theater and my son has zero interest. How exactly did this happen?
I grew up in a home where musical theater was part of our everyday lives. I thought everyone loved it. My dad was a stage hand and worked for many years in the different theaters around Los Angeles. He had hilarious stories of what went on backstage. My mom and I would watch Guys and Dolls and Sound of Music everytime it came on and we both loved plays.
I took my kids to lots of plays when they were younger. It’s not like they weren’t exposed to the culture of theater. What did I do wrong? Is love of theater in the genes? Are Kevin’s Non Nerdy genes stronger than my Nerdy genes?
They must be because I realized when I extrapolated this thought out my kids really don’t like most of the things I like. Neither one of them loves to read like I do, they don’t love superheroes, Harry Potter, Star Trek, LOTR, Sherlock or any of my other nerdgirl obsessions. My son loves Star Wars but he that’s a whole other story for another day.
I love them anyway. I mean they’re cute and I’ve worked really hard on them so I’m not giving up on them just because they don’t have the good taste to like all the things I do. I’ll just have to keep working on them and hope they come around. As it is they look at me like I’m a complete weirdo from another planet if I start talking about any of the above mentioned subjects.
I’m glad I didn’t realize what a nerd I really was when I was a kid. I think I would have been so much more self conscious then I already was if I’d been aware. I just thought everyone loved the stuff I did.
I’m also really glad I have friends that are sweet enough to include me in their jaunts to the theater this season. If you get a chance, go see a play sometime soon. They are some of the hardest working and talented people in the entertainment business.
I’d love to hear about your favorite play it the comments below!
Lana says
I’m very lucky that my younger son likes to go to musicals with me. Our favorite is “Mamma Mia”, but we just saw “Lion King” and that was spectacular.
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